Girls were programmed never to concede they might be wrong. Ever. So drop it and move on. Girls are good for having a bit of fun, if you're looking for a relationship you'll need a woman (and by that I mean someone you can have sex with and still fart in front of and they won't care).
Rubens from Helio after TK takes Power out. Dixon to run out of fuel, Franchitti to get tangled on pit pit and Briscoe being his usual self and white-walling T4.
I watched the video for Greece's entry and was quite disappointed to notice that the girl doesn't reveal nearly as much skin as inferred from some comments in this thread.
That's true. I too had to spent a week in hospital after entering the ER purple from cardiopulmonary arrest due to pneumonia once, but I was the size of a small elk, so the weight loss wasn't a problem.